
Is Clash Mini already on app store?

Can I download it on iOS? I'm using iPhone.


Answer List

Only if you live in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, or Canada. Otherwise, you will have to wait for global release.

Question List

Countess is op

Everytime I lose against Countess it's op.

Which hero is the best to choose when I begin the game?

Archer Queen, Barbarian King, Shield Maiden. Which one?

How do I choose mini's Star Ability (Upgrade) during battles?

My Spear Goblin is 2 star but everytime I upgrade it in a battle, the 1st ability is selected.

Is Clash Mini F2P friendly?

Or is it pay-to-win game?

Is Clash Mini available worldwide now?

Now is 2022 April. Is Clash Mini playable?


Comments (updated every hour)

Dragon 1
Clash Royale is a new game that just came out in 2016 and it is already gaining popularity with o...
Some Minis are performing well in the current meta, but it's ever-changing, so it's not...
The Minis currently available are based on other Clash games. This is only a speculation of what ...
Ah I want to use this in Clash Mini so much
> Go to the latest comments


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